Variateurs de fréquence

Create substantial energy savings in HVAC systems without impact on customer comfort or equipment

En savoir plus
Usage intensif et usage normal
Clavier déporté ou CI en option
Entrées et sorties
Various Onboard
Alimentation de secours
Contrôle de secours de 24 V
Intelligence embarquée
Commande de logique programmable avec mémoire 8 kilooctets


  • Premium Emerson product
  • Reduce their stores’ energy consumption without affecting customer comfort.
  • Facilitate modulation strategies for the fan motors
  • Intelligent modulation while ensuring optimum store condition
  • Reduce fan speed and air volume accordingly during cooling, heating and ventilation periods

Documentation et schémas

Product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product or package contents