Parts Charts

Parts Charts


Basic Frame & Covers

Basic Frame Covers

Reference NumberVilter Part NumberDescription
10213152G13152GScrew, 5/8" X 2-1/2" Hex. Head Cap (Used w/o Water Jacket)
102 (a)13152L13152LScrew, 5/8" X 3-1/2" Hex. Head Cap (Used with Water Jacket)
10330299A30299ACover, Water Jacket
10433329A33329AGasket, Water Jacket
105**Cover Cylinder
10633330A33330AGasket, Cylinder Cover
109**Screen, Suction
109A**Bag Suction Screen ( Not Shown)
110**Gasket, Suction Screen/ Suction Tee Cover
111**Cover, Suction Screen Cover Suction Tee
112**Screw, Hex Head Cap
1131956H1956HValve, 1/2" Oil Charge and Drain (Ammonia)
1131956A1956AValve, 1/2" Oil Charge and Drain (Halocarbon)
113A 13189G 13189G Nipple 1/2" X 4" Sch 80 Pipe
11431889A31889AGasket, Crankcase Oil Screen
115A31886AA31886AScreen, Crankcase Oil
11613264D13264DPlug, 1/2" Hex. Head Pipe
11613264E13264EPlug, 3/4" Hex. Head Pipe
117A31936A A31936A Pin Retaining Assembly For Crankcase Oil Screen
1181721B1721CSafety Valve, Internal Relief
11911323G11323GGasket, 2" Flange
12031954A31954ACover, Safety Valve
12113152E13152EScrew, 5/8" X 2" Hex Head Cap
12231894A31894AGasket, Handhole Cover
123 (b)**Cover, Handhole
1241484A1484AGlass, Oil Sight- 2"
1252796E2796EScrew, 1/2" X 1-1/2" Hex Head Cap
128**Heater, Crankcase Oil
134**Thermometer, Crankcase Oil

(a) Use VPN 13152M (Screw, 5/8" X 3-3/4" Hex. Head Cap) for four bolt hole locations at raised face on Water Jacket.

(b) There are different versions of Handhole cover. Handhole cover for 3” sight glass is not available (compressors with serial number starting from 0 thru 13049).


* Check your Operator‘s Manual for correct Part Number for your specific compressor model.


Crankshaft & Front Bearing Cover


Reference NumberVilter Part NumberDescription
20230651C30651CCap, Valve Gasket
201-208KT486KT486Oil Relief Valve Kit
20913264B13264BPlug, 1/4" Pipe
209-211A36240A-Cover, Front Bearing Assy. For -2 1/2" Shaft (Requires Oil Orifice in Item #214)
209-211A36241AA36241ACover, Front Bearing Assy. For 3" Shaft (Requires Oil Orifice in Item #214)
21231890A31890AGasket, Bearing Cover
21313159E13159EScrew, 5/8" X 4" Socket Hd.
21431885A-Retainer, Front Bearing (w/oil hole) for 2-1/2" Shaft
21433500A33500ARetainer, Front Bearing (w/oil hole) for 3" Shaft
21513152E13152EScrew, 5/8" X 2" Hex. Head
2162796EV2796EVScrew, 1/2" X 4" Hex. Head
217A33483A-Seal, 2-1/2” Shaft Assembly
217Check Model # (In Parentheses) KT508: Shaft Seal & Gasket (All 440)
218Check Model # (In Parentheses) KT509: Shaft Seal & Gasket (12-16 Cyl. 440, All 450XL)
2192976EL2976ELScrew, 1/2" X 1-3/4" Hex. Hd.
22031044A-Cover, 2-1/2" Shaft Seal
22032564A32564ACover, 3" Shaft Seal
220A35078A35078ATube, Oil Drain
224KT366-Locknut, 2-1/2" Shaft
224KT367KT367Locknut, 3" Shaft
227KT368-Front Bearing, 2-1/2" Shaft
227KT369KT370Front Bearing, 3" Shaft
22833144A-Ring, 2 1/2" Shaft, Front Bearing Retainer
22833145A33145ARing, 3" Shaft, Front Bearing Retainer
229Not Sold Separately Crankshaft, Bare Shaft
224-244**Crankshaft with Bearings
23131904A31904ARetainer, Rear Bearing
231A/231BKT353KT353Rear Bearing and Lock Pin
2321736G1736GScrew, 5/16" X 1-1/2" Hex. Hd.
23333403A33403ACrank, Oil Pump Drive
234A32163AA32163ACase, Bearing Support
23733508A33508ABearing Half, Upper Right or Lower Left
23833508B33508BBearing Half, Upper Left or Lower Right
24033497A33497APin, Threaded Taper
24213165F13165FWasher, 1/2" Lock
2431726E1726ENut, 1/2" Hex
24413253F13253FNut, 9/16" Hex.
24631994B-Key, 2-1/2" Crankshaft
24633505B33505BKey, 3" Crankshaft
24731956A31956AScrew Flywheel Hub
24833495A33495AWasher, 3" Shaft, Flywheel Hub Screw


  • Check your Operator‘s Manual for correct Part Number for your specific compressor model. Splash shield included in crankshaft with bearings.


Piston, Connecting Rod & Safety Head

piston, connecting rod and safety head

Reference NumberNumberVilter PartDescription
440 450XL450XL Booster
50131989M31989M Piston Ring, Compression
50231989N31989N Piston Ring, Oil
50333244A- Snap Ring, Piston Pin
501-505KT213 - Piston, Rings, and Pin Kit
501-512KT478KT573 Piston, Rings, and Connecting Rod Assembly
506-512KT463- Connecting Rod with Bearings
50631896B- Bushing, Piston Pin
507See Kits Above Connecting Rod
5092027A2027A Nut, 3/8" UNF, Hex
5102028A2028A Nut, 3/8" Lock
511KT512KT575 Bearing Set, Connecting Rod – Standard
511KT513AKT399A Bearing Set, Connecting Rod – 0 . 015" Undersize
511KT513KT399B Bearing Set, Connecting Rod – 0 . 030" Undersize
51231955A31955A Bolt, Connecting Rod
513-518A32695C- Safety Head Assembly - Ammonia
513-518A32695D--Safety Head Assembly - Halocarbon
5131776B-1776BNut 3/8" Lock Valve Retaining
51431990B-31990BWasher, Diaphragm Valve
51531939B-31939BValve, Diaphragm Discharge
515-35080SS-Plate, Discharge Valve
51631990A-31990ASpacer, Diaphragm Valve
51733531B-33531BSafety Head, Ammonia
51733532B-33532BSafety Head, Halocarbon
517/522-A35082A-Safety Head & Pins Assembly - Ammonia
517/522-A35272A-Safety Head & Pins Assembly - Halocarbon
518 (a)31964A--Screw, Valve Retaining - 60°
5181527B-1527BScrew, Valve Retaining - 82°
51933803A33803A33803ASpring, Valve
52031941B-31941BYoke, Safety Head
520/522-KT543-Safety Head Yoke and Pin Kit
52131882A35252A35252ASpring, Safety Head
522-1712F-Pin, 3/16" X 11/16" Roll


(a) Applicable for compressors with serial number starting from 3638 thru 13490


Rear Bearing Cover & Filter Assembly

rear bearing cover and filter assembly

Reference NumberVilter Part NumberDescription
301-304KT092KT092Rear Bearing Cover Assembly
306KT519AKT519AOil Pump Assembly
307-323KT256-Conversion Kit, Std. Tri-Micro
309**Cover, Oil Pump and Filter Head
310A35240A A35240A Tri-Micro Oil Filter Assembly with Bypass Relief
310--Tri-Micro Oil Filter Assembly w/o Bypass Relief
3111448J1448JSpool, Internal with Bypass Relief
311--Spool, Internal w/o Bypass Relief
3121448H1448HSeal, Spool End
3131448K1448KStrainer Tube
3141448L1448L Ring, Strainer Tube Retaining
315/3211448C1448COil Filter Element with Gasket for use with Bypass Relief
315/321--Oil Filter Element with Gasket for use w/o Bypass Relief
3161448M1448MPressure Plate Assembly
3171448N1448NPressure Plate
3181448P1448P“O” Ring Seal, Pressure Plate (Not Shown)
3191448Q1448QSpring, Pressure Plate
32013264A13264APlug, 1/8" Pipe
3211448B1448BGasket, Oil Filter Tank
322A34623AA34623AFilter Tank with Flange and Plug
3232796DM2796DMScrew, 7/16" X 2" Hex Head Cap
32531890A31890AGasket, Bearing Cover
32613152E13152EScrew, 5/8" X 2" Hex Head Cap
3272796EL2796ELScrew, 1/2" X 1-3/4" Hex Head Cap


  • Check your Operator‘s Manual for correct Part Number for your specific compressor model.


Cylinder Liner & Capacity Control

cylinder liner and capacity control

Reference NumberVilter Part NumberDescription
40132687A34510ALiner, Cylinder (Single-Stage)
40133179A34710ALiner, Cylinder (Integral Two-Stage)
4022176BH2176BHSeal, “O” Ring, Upper
*402A2176BL2176BLSeal, “O” Ring, Lower (Integral Two- Stage)
4031193Q1193QPin, 1/8" X 1-1/2" Roll
405A33351A35071ARing, Lift
40633352A35069ASpring, Lift
40733350A35070APin, Lift
408-1971ARetainer, Lift Ring
40931909A31909APlate, Suction Valve
410A(a)31989L-Ring, Piston, Gas
410B(a)2176AX-O-Ring, (Rubber-For 0.187” Groove)
410C(b)2557A2557ARing, Gas
410D(b)2639A2639ARing, Oil
410E2638A2638ARetainer, Snap Ring, Oil
411A, 410C(c) KT034-Piston, Gas
411B, 410D/E(c)KT364-Piston, Oil
411C(d)35315A35315APiston, Gas or Oil
41233250C-Pin, Long Pivot
413(e)33338A-Arm, Yoke Lifting
413A(e)41725A41725AArm, Yoke Lifting (New Style)
414A33335AA33335AYoke Assembly, Std. Unloading
414A33575A A33575A Yoke Assembly, Single Cyl Unloading
4151193X1193XPin, 3/8" X 11/16" Roll
41633250B33250BPin, Short Pivot
41733686A33686ASpring, Unloader Yoke
418A33347AA33347AYoke Guide, Std. Unloading
418A33576AA33576AYoke Guide, Single Cyl Unloading
4191352D1352DScrew, 3/8" X 1" Hex Head Lock, Single Cyl Unloading
42033618A33618ASpacer, Sleeve, Single Cyl Unloading


(a) 410A and 410B- Sold for replacement use only; will not fit present pistons.

(b) 410C and 410D- Not interchangeable with 410A and 410B used on compressor serial numbers below 3638.

(c) 411A and 411B- Present pistons cannot be used with rings kit used for compressor serial numbers below 3638. KT034 contains 410C; KT364 contains 410D/E.

(d) 411C- New piston, used on compressors with serial number starting from 32500 for gas unloading & from 22800 for oil unloading, is not interchangeable with piston (pre 1985 year) used on compressors serial number starting from 19247 thru 22799 for oil unloading and from 3638 thru 19246 & 30000 thru 32499 for gas unloading (requires different frame). New piston has two grooves- top for gas and bottom for oil.

(e) 413 and 413A- Yoke lifting arms not interchangeable.



Replacement Parts List 440 & 450XL Series Compressors

300 and 400 Series VMC Reciprocating Compressors Service Interval Requirements


The following service intervals are based on the usage of Vilter Manufacturing Corporation 
Premium Grade refrigeration oil in 300 and 400 Series VMC Compressor units.

300 and 400 Series VMC Reciprocating Compressors Service Interval Requirements


 Key:     I       Inspect.
  R     Replace or Service.
  S     Sample.


  1. The oil should be changed at these intervals, unless oil analysis results exceed the allowable limits. The frequency of changes will depend on the system cleanliness.
  2. Oil analysis should be done at these intervals as a minimum; the frequency of analysis will depend on system cleanliness.
  3. The oil filter on a minimum must be changed at these intervals or annually if not run continuously. However, the oil filter must be changed if the oil filter differential exceeds 25 psi or oil analysis requires it
  4. To prevent possible breakdowns, the compressor should be opened and the condition of the valves, valve seats, liners and connecting rod bearings should be checked and excessively worn parts be replaced. At the same time the crankshaft bearing float should also be checked.