Parts Charts

Parts Charts



Replacement Parts List 440 & 450XL Series Compressors



300 and 400 Series VMC Reciprocating Compressors Service Interval Requirements


The following service intervals are based on the usage of Vilter Manufacturing Corporation 
Premium Grade refrigeration oil in 300 and 400 Series VMC Compressor units.

300 and 400 Series VMC Reciprocating Compressors Service Interval Requirements


 Key:     I       Inspect.
  R     Replace or Service.
  S     Sample.



  1. The oil should be changed at these intervals, unless oil analysis results exceed the allowable limits. The frequency of changes will depend on the system cleanliness.
  2. Oil analysis should be done at these intervals as a minimum; the frequency of analysis will depend on system cleanliness.
  3. The oil filter on a minimum must be changed at these intervals or annually if not run continuously. However, the oil filter must be changed if the oil filter differential exceeds 25 psi or oil analysis requires it
  4. To prevent possible breakdowns, the compressor should be opened and the condition of the valves, valve seats, liners and connecting rod bearings should be checked and excessively worn parts be replaced. At the same time the crankshaft bearing float should also be checked.