Industrial compressor

Add the reliability where it matters most

Vilter technology and industry expertise delivers the uptime and dependability needed in demanding Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) applications. More than 145 operating plants in North America rely on Vilter by Copeland single screw compression technology for consistent and quality production.

Make it easy. There is variability with gas quality specifications, utility negotiations, feed stocks, local and federal incentives, and various entities involved in a project. Vilter by Copeland innovation and expertise can help you navigate the options including:

  • Blower skids to boost the initial biogas to maintain pressure across contaminant removal and optimize inlet pressure to the feed gas compressor
  • Low-pressure and high-pressure chilling skids to dehydrate the biogas upstream and downstream of the feed gas compressor
  • Single-screw feed gas compressor technology to pressurize the biogas upstream of the Carbon Dioxide removal technology
  • Single-screw recycle and vacuum compressors or feed gas compressor for Nitrogen removal depending on the technology selected
  • Single-screw product gas compressor technology to boost the biomethane to pipeline pressure including the unique Vilter High Pressure Low Displacement compressor model
  • Fuel gas booster to provide pressurized biogas to a gas turbine for combined heat and power (CHP) technology.
Industry Leading Single Screw Technology

Industry Leading Single Screw Technology

Our transformational solutions are powered by the efficient Vilter single-screw compressor, which enables industry leading up-time proven over decades of operation.

  • Balance of axial and radial loading extends bearing lifespan for improved durability
  • Precision mechanical modulation of capacity and pressure ratio through Parallex Slides enhances operational flexibility
  • Simplified servicing ensures hassle-free maintenance
  • Proven resilience in the most challenging environments, ensuring reliable performance
  • Extensive 17-year track record of operating in the RNG space more than 145 facilities in North America all using single-screw compressors from Vilter by Copeland
  • Single screw technology developed and fabricated in Wisconsin
Single Screw Compressors Deliver Scalability Across Balance of Plant

Single Screw Compressors Deliver Scalability Across Balance of Plant

Vilter single screw compressors use a rotary, positive displacement compressor design to provide the lowest lifecycle costs and highest reliability of all gas compressors. A balanced design provides quiet and reliable operation, even while performing at pressures over 1,100 PSI. 

Small Livestock Operations Can Corral Big Efficiency

Smaller operations possess the potential to capture methane and reuse it as a valuable secondary product, like natural gas. Even those with fewer than 500 head can tap into this source of savings and efficiency. Look to Vilter industrial compressor technology for a right-sized biogas recovery system. 


Maintenance Poster - Vilter VSG unit maintenance checklistEnglishPDF243 kBDownload
Landfill Cuts Emissions: Like Removing 22,000 Cars From The RoadsEnglishPDF860 kBDownload
Single-Screw Compressor Copeland ensures delivery of high pressure turbine fuel gasEnglishPDF221 kBDownload
VILTER CHP VSG Gas Boosting PackagesEnglishPDF968 kBDownload
VILTER Hydrocarbon Processing BrochureEnglishPDF2 MBDownload
VILTER Process Refrigeration SystemsEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSG Gas Compressor ModulesEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSSG VSG BrochureEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
Maintenance Poster - Vilter VSG unit maintenance checklistEnglishPDF243 kBDownload
Landfill Cuts Emissions: Like Removing 22,000 Cars From The RoadsEnglishPDF860 kBDownload
Single-Screw Compressor Copeland ensures delivery of high pressure turbine fuel gasEnglishPDF221 kBDownload
VILTER CHP VSG Gas Boosting PackagesEnglishPDF968 kBDownload
VILTER Hydrocarbon Processing BrochureEnglishPDF2 MBDownload
VILTER Process Refrigeration SystemsEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSG Gas Compressor ModulesEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSSG VSG BrochureEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
Maintenance Poster - Vilter VSG unit maintenance checklistEnglishPDF243 kBDownload
Landfill Cuts Emissions: Like Removing 22,000 Cars From The RoadsEnglishPDF860 kBDownload
Single-Screw Compressor Copeland ensures delivery of high pressure turbine fuel gasEnglishPDF221 kBDownload
VILTER CHP VSG Gas Boosting PackagesEnglishPDF968 kBDownload
VILTER Hydrocarbon Processing BrochureEnglishPDF2 MBDownload
VILTER Process Refrigeration SystemsEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSG Gas Compressor ModulesEnglishPDF1 MBDownload
VILTER VSSG VSG BrochureEnglishPDF3 MBDownload