Cold Chain Logistics – Design Solutions

Cold Chain Logistics – Design Solutions

Our design solutions have led to innovations and products to make sure your facilities are as efficient and productive as they can be.

Unique for you

Cold Room Solutions

Every business is unique in their own way with different tonnage requirements, specifications and space restrictions. That is why our customers always say “yes” to Copeland. We understand your needs, train your people, and support your business targets and goals. We also uncover hidden cost and offer optimum solutions to enable tailor-fit refrigeration design services and business developments, all while ensuring the lowest life cycle cost and impact to the environment.  Our constant researches and development towards designs are based on logistic needs with the latest technology and modulation that fits the eco system and matches financial standard.

The Refrigerant Circle of Life

We care about the environment, like we care about your business

October 2016 laid down a significant mark in history as governments around the world came together and signed the Kigali Amendment, which put action towards climate change by specifying targets and timetables to replace HFCs, a powerful greenhouse gas with more planet friendly alternatives. While this affects many companies, but as a responsible company, Copeland promise you that we always look ahead for you.