To keep pace not only with regulatory requirements but also with significant market trends, the refrigeration industry needs to adapt. Whether it’s sustainability and changing climatic conditions or cost pressures and the specific demand of urban environments: Copeland™ CO2 scroll technology enables the industry to tackle these challenges.

Less Is More
Our CO2 scroll technology combines inventiveness with simplicity and ease of use. Reducing the complexity of CO2 refrigeration systems also lowers the risk of errors. Higher reliability and efficiency are the result.

The Economics of Copeland CO₂ Scroll Technology
Employing Copeland’s CO2 scroll technology will help retailers significantly reduce the total cost of ownership for refrigeration: Evaluating the system over its entire lifetime, the potential savings become evident.

Regulation and Legislation
F-Gases are harmful to the climate and contribute to global warming. That is why regulators demanded a global phase-down and the transition of the refrigeration industry to alternative refrigerants such as CO2. We explain the legal framework that market players must comply with.

The Digital Edge of Copeland CO₂ Scroll Technology
Our technology is not only based on a significantly improved hardware. By employing end-to-end digitalization of system components, it also enables advanced data use options, efficiency gains, and even higher reliability.