Vilter Manufacturing started as a general purpose job shop that Peter Weisel opened in 1867 in Milwaukee.

Ernest Vilter became a partner in the business and soon after introduced the Corliss Engine.
Vilter introduced the first refrigeration compressor in 1882.

After a devastating fire, Vilter rebuilt a larger site and quickly rose as an industrial refrigeration leader, providing cooling equipment to ice plants, breweries and packing houses.
The company played a crucial role in supporting the U.S. in World War I and World War II.

The Vilter 440 reciprocating compressor was developed in 1945. It remains an industry standard today.

The Future
We continue to develop robust and efficient industrial refrigeration and oil & gas solutions that are mindful of total cost of ownership, environmental awareness and improving operational safety. Moving forward, Vilter will continue to address the needs of our customers with innovations that adapt to changing industry requirements.