Alco Valves Products

A standalone company focused on sustainable solutions

Copeland is now a standalone company. As the global leader in providing sustainable heating, cooling and refrigeration solutions, we’re helping residential, commercial and industrial customers reduce their carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

To control refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems Copeland offers a broad range of expansion valves, filter driers, solenoid valves, oil management products, pressure transducers, thermostats, etc. All components of Alco Controls, mechanical as well as electronic, are designed and manufactured to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability. Optimizing system performance is central to Alco Controls developments. 

Documents & Drawings

Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.1) - Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF101 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.2) - TechsheetEnglishPDF86 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Performance of TX7 in a system with a Copeland scroll variable speed compressor - TechsheetEnglishPDF350 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Adjustment of static superheat when retrofitting to HFO and HFO blends for Thermo-Expansion Valves, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF207 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Change in power rating of thermo-expansion and solenoid valves when converting to HFO and HFO blends, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF152 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, High pressure system protection in heat pump applications - TechsheetEnglishPDF88 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, R32, R452B and R454B replacement for R410A - TechsheetEnglishPDF150 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Refrigerant R452A - TechsheetEnglishPDF153 kBDownload
Did you know? Stepper motor valves in transcritical CO2 refrigeration/air-conditioning systemsEnglishPDF200 kBDownload
Wussten Sie schon? Schrittmotorventile in transkritischen CO2 Kälte-Klima SystemenDeutschPDF226 kBDownload
Alco Sabía Que, Refrigerante inflamable R290 (n.º 2) - TechsheetEspañolPDF77 kBDownload
¿Sabía que...? Válvulas de motor paso a paso en sistemas de refrigeración / aire acondicionado transcríticos de CO2EspañolPDF247 kBDownload
Le saviez-vous ? Vannes à moteur pas-à-pas dans des systèmes de réfrigération/ climatisation au CO2 transcritiquesFrançaisPDF225 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Thermo-Expansion Valves Series TIH - TechsheetEnglishPDF387 kBDownload
Copeland Controls Navigator-4.1EnglishXLSM7 MBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Plastic material and plastic bag supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF537 kBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Shrink Wrap supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF530 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o Prohlášení o shodě obalů s platnou legislativou: Strecova folieČeštinaPDF492 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o. Prohlášení o shodÄ› obalů s platnou legislativou: Plastovýy balící materiál a PVC sáÄkyČeštinaPDF495 kBDownload
Alco Controls Product Guide 2019 for HydrocarbonsEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
CO2 Product Guide 2021 for Refrigeration ApplicationsEnglishPDF4 MBDownload
Copeland General Product Catalogue 2024EnglishPDF7 MBDownload
Product guide for HFO / HFO blendsEnglishPDF10 MBDownload
Copeland Produktkatalog 2024DeutschPDF7 MBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.1) - Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF101 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.2) - TechsheetEnglishPDF86 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Performance of TX7 in a system with a Copeland scroll variable speed compressor - TechsheetEnglishPDF350 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Adjustment of static superheat when retrofitting to HFO and HFO blends for Thermo-Expansion Valves, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF207 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Change in power rating of thermo-expansion and solenoid valves when converting to HFO and HFO blends, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF152 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, High pressure system protection in heat pump applications - TechsheetEnglishPDF88 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, R32, R452B and R454B replacement for R410A - TechsheetEnglishPDF150 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Refrigerant R452A - TechsheetEnglishPDF153 kBDownload
Did you know? Stepper motor valves in transcritical CO2 refrigeration/air-conditioning systemsEnglishPDF200 kBDownload
Wussten Sie schon? Schrittmotorventile in transkritischen CO2 Kälte-Klima SystemenDeutschPDF226 kBDownload
Alco Sabía Que, Refrigerante inflamable R290 (n.º 2) - TechsheetEspañolPDF77 kBDownload
¿Sabía que...? Válvulas de motor paso a paso en sistemas de refrigeración / aire acondicionado transcríticos de CO2EspañolPDF247 kBDownload
Le saviez-vous ? Vannes à moteur pas-à-pas dans des systèmes de réfrigération/ climatisation au CO2 transcritiquesFrançaisPDF225 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Thermo-Expansion Valves Series TIH - TechsheetEnglishPDF387 kBDownload
Copeland Controls Navigator-4.1EnglishXLSM7 MBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Plastic material and plastic bag supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF537 kBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Shrink Wrap supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF530 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o Prohlášení o shodě obalů s platnou legislativou: Strecova folieČeštinaPDF492 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o. Prohlášení o shodÄ› obalů s platnou legislativou: Plastovýy balící materiál a PVC sáÄkyČeštinaPDF495 kBDownload
Alco Controls Product Guide 2019 for HydrocarbonsEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
CO2 Product Guide 2021 for Refrigeration ApplicationsEnglishPDF4 MBDownload
Copeland General Product Catalogue 2024EnglishPDF7 MBDownload
Product guide for HFO / HFO blendsEnglishPDF10 MBDownload
Copeland Produktkatalog 2024DeutschPDF7 MBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.1) - Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF101 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.2) - TechsheetEnglishPDF86 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Performance of TX7 in a system with a Copeland scroll variable speed compressor - TechsheetEnglishPDF350 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Adjustment of static superheat when retrofitting to HFO and HFO blends for Thermo-Expansion Valves, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF207 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Change in power rating of thermo-expansion and solenoid valves when converting to HFO and HFO blends, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF152 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, High pressure system protection in heat pump applications - TechsheetEnglishPDF88 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, R32, R452B and R454B replacement for R410A - TechsheetEnglishPDF150 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Refrigerant R452A - TechsheetEnglishPDF153 kBDownload
Did you know? Stepper motor valves in transcritical CO2 refrigeration/air-conditioning systemsEnglishPDF200 kBDownload
Wussten Sie schon? Schrittmotorventile in transkritischen CO2 Kälte-Klima SystemenDeutschPDF226 kBDownload
Alco Sabía Que, Refrigerante inflamable R290 (n.º 2) - TechsheetEspañolPDF77 kBDownload
¿Sabía que...? Válvulas de motor paso a paso en sistemas de refrigeración / aire acondicionado transcríticos de CO2EspañolPDF247 kBDownload
Le saviez-vous ? Vannes à moteur pas-à-pas dans des systèmes de réfrigération/ climatisation au CO2 transcritiquesFrançaisPDF225 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Thermo-Expansion Valves Series TIH - TechsheetEnglishPDF387 kBDownload
Copeland Controls Navigator-4.1EnglishXLSM7 MBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Plastic material and plastic bag supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF537 kBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Shrink Wrap supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF530 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o Prohlášení o shodě obalů s platnou legislativou: Strecova folieČeštinaPDF492 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o. Prohlášení o shodÄ› obalů s platnou legislativou: Plastovýy balící materiál a PVC sáÄkyČeštinaPDF495 kBDownload
Alco Controls Product Guide 2019 for HydrocarbonsEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
CO2 Product Guide 2021 for Refrigeration ApplicationsEnglishPDF4 MBDownload
Copeland General Product Catalogue 2024EnglishPDF7 MBDownload
Product guide for HFO / HFO blendsEnglishPDF10 MBDownload
Copeland Produktkatalog 2024DeutschPDF7 MBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.1) - Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF101 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.2) - TechsheetEnglishPDF86 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Performance of TX7 in a system with a Copeland scroll variable speed compressor - TechsheetEnglishPDF350 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Adjustment of static superheat when retrofitting to HFO and HFO blends for Thermo-Expansion Valves, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF207 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Change in power rating of thermo-expansion and solenoid valves when converting to HFO and HFO blends, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF152 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, High pressure system protection in heat pump applications - TechsheetEnglishPDF88 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, R32, R452B and R454B replacement for R410A - TechsheetEnglishPDF150 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Refrigerant R452A - TechsheetEnglishPDF153 kBDownload
Did you know? Stepper motor valves in transcritical CO2 refrigeration/air-conditioning systemsEnglishPDF200 kBDownload
Wussten Sie schon? Schrittmotorventile in transkritischen CO2 Kälte-Klima SystemenDeutschPDF226 kBDownload
Alco Sabía Que, Refrigerante inflamable R290 (n.º 2) - TechsheetEspañolPDF77 kBDownload
¿Sabía que...? Válvulas de motor paso a paso en sistemas de refrigeración / aire acondicionado transcríticos de CO2EspañolPDF247 kBDownload
Le saviez-vous ? Vannes à moteur pas-à-pas dans des systèmes de réfrigération/ climatisation au CO2 transcritiquesFrançaisPDF225 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Thermo-Expansion Valves Series TIH - TechsheetEnglishPDF387 kBDownload
Copeland Controls Navigator-4.1EnglishXLSM7 MBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Plastic material and plastic bag supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF537 kBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Shrink Wrap supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF530 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o Prohlášení o shodě obalů s platnou legislativou: Strecova folieČeštinaPDF492 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o. Prohlášení o shodÄ› obalů s platnou legislativou: Plastovýy balící materiál a PVC sáÄkyČeštinaPDF495 kBDownload
Alco Controls Product Guide 2019 for HydrocarbonsEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
CO2 Product Guide 2021 for Refrigeration ApplicationsEnglishPDF4 MBDownload
Copeland General Product Catalogue 2024EnglishPDF7 MBDownload
Product guide for HFO / HFO blendsEnglishPDF10 MBDownload
Copeland Produktkatalog 2024DeutschPDF7 MBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.1) - Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF101 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Flammable refrigerant R290 (No.2) - TechsheetEnglishPDF86 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Performance of TX7 in a system with a Copeland scroll variable speed compressor - TechsheetEnglishPDF350 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Adjustment of static superheat when retrofitting to HFO and HFO blends for Thermo-Expansion Valves, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF207 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Change in power rating of thermo-expansion and solenoid valves when converting to HFO and HFO blends, Techsheet, 1 pageEnglishPDF152 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, High pressure system protection in heat pump applications - TechsheetEnglishPDF88 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, R32, R452B and R454B replacement for R410A - TechsheetEnglishPDF150 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Refrigerant R452A - TechsheetEnglishPDF153 kBDownload
Did you know? Stepper motor valves in transcritical CO2 refrigeration/air-conditioning systemsEnglishPDF200 kBDownload
Wussten Sie schon? Schrittmotorventile in transkritischen CO2 Kälte-Klima SystemenDeutschPDF226 kBDownload
Alco Sabía Que, Refrigerante inflamable R290 (n.º 2) - TechsheetEspañolPDF77 kBDownload
¿Sabía que...? Válvulas de motor paso a paso en sistemas de refrigeración / aire acondicionado transcríticos de CO2EspañolPDF247 kBDownload
Le saviez-vous ? Vannes à moteur pas-à-pas dans des systèmes de réfrigération/ climatisation au CO2 transcritiquesFrançaisPDF225 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Wist U Dat, Ontvlambaar koelmiddel R290 (nr. 2), TechsheetNederlandsPDF70 kBDownload
Alco Did You Know, Thermo-Expansion Valves Series TIH - TechsheetEnglishPDF387 kBDownload
Copeland Controls Navigator-4.1EnglishXLSM7 MBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Plastic material and plastic bag supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF537 kBDownload
Declaration of Conformity for the Shrink Wrap supplied by Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o., KolinEnglishPDF530 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o Prohlášení o shodě obalů s platnou legislativou: Strecova folieČeštinaPDF492 kBDownload
Copeland Flow Controls Czech s.r.o. Prohlášení o shodÄ› obalů s platnou legislativou: Plastovýy balící materiál a PVC sáÄkyČeštinaPDF495 kBDownload
Alco Controls Product Guide 2019 for HydrocarbonsEnglishPDF3 MBDownload
CO2 Product Guide 2021 for Refrigeration ApplicationsEnglishPDF4 MBDownload
Copeland General Product Catalogue 2024EnglishPDF7 MBDownload
Product guide for HFO / HFO blendsEnglishPDF10 MBDownload
Copeland Produktkatalog 2024DeutschPDF7 MBDownload