Improve Cold Chain Visibility with Temperature Monitoring Data Loggers

Monitoring time and temperature data of your perishable products during distribution and storage doesn’t have to be cumbersome, complicated or expensive. With our family of GO Loggers, you’ll gain visibility into historical trip or shipment data, so you can know what happens to your cargo when it is outside of your direct control. 

These insights allow you to uncover areas of improvement within your supply chain and pinpoint issues that impact food quality and safety decisions. GO Loggers are also available with pre-programmed temperature ranges and visual temperature breach alerts.

Cold Chain Data Logger Products
GO USB Logger Temp

GO USB Logger

The GO USB family of loggers offer a versatile solution to monitoring areas within your cold chain.

Digital Recorder GO Contact Loggers

GO Contact

Quality & Value in our standard temperature monitoring label.

GO NFC Logger


Flat labels monitor time and temperature data via short-range near field communications (NFC) utilizing NFC-enabled Android™ phones and tablets. 


GO Wireless/AutoSense Inbound

Labels transmit time and temperature data wirelessly to the AutoSense Reader.



Labels with integrated USB eliminate the need for reading devices and proprietary download software.

GO PDF Lite Logger


Digitally monitor time and temperature of perishable products during distribution and storage. 

**Certain products may include refurbished materials.

AFS saved $20,000 using Copeland GO Loggers